
Pour tous les amoureux du livre d'art
Librairie Couleur du Temps, Paris
CRAFTING EXCELLENCE. The Furniture of Nathan Lumbard and His Circle - Christie Jackson, Brock Jobe et Clark Pearce

CRAFTING EXCELLENCE. The Furniture of Nathan Lumbard and His Circle - Christie Jackson, Brock Jobe et Clark Pearce

Yale University Press
(Code: 9780300232950)
En Stock
69,00 EUR
35,00 EUR
" When the inscription "Made by Nathan Lumbard Apl 20th 1800" was found in the late 1980s on a chest of drawers, the identity of an unknown craftsman suddenly surfaced.

Crafting Excellence introduces the striking achievements of cabinetmaker Nathan Lumbard (1777-1847) and a small group of craftsmen associated with him. Working initially in the village of Sturbridge, Massachusetts, these artisans fashioned an array of objects that rank among the most colorful and creative of Federal America.
Recent scholarship has revealed Lumbard's connection with the cabinetmaker Oliver Wight, from whom he likely learned his trade and gained an understanding of neoclassicism. Careful study of objects linked to Lumbard, Wight, and nearby artisans has produced a framework for identifying their work.

The discovery of Lumbard's name three decades ago led the authors on a pioneering journey, culminating in this handsome volume, an insightful contribution to American furniture history. "

New Haven, Yale University Press, 2018, 25 x 32 cm, cartonnage, jaquette illustrée, 288 pages.


librairie couleur du temps, yale university press, lumbard, lombard, artisan, artisanat, ébéniste, ébénisterie, menuisier, menuiserie, meuble, mobilier,